Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fuzzy and Bubbles Visit Nov 1 - Nov 10

Once Fuzzy and Bubbles were picked up from the airport, we drove to Five Guys Burgers and had dinner.  They got to hold me for the first time.

On November 4th, I went to my first festival.  Fuzzy, Bubbles, Daddy and I went to the Jupiter Italian Festival.

This was Mommy's first time away from me and she was not happy to see me go.

Looking good as always!

A few people turned up.

Famous arm shot

After the festival got too crowded, we went to downtown West Palm.
Don't I make the fountain look good?

Ummmm, Daddy can't read the parking signs so I was issued my first parking ticket.

Fuzzy is excellent at feeding me!

We went to Abuelo and Abuela's with Fuzzy and Bubbles.

Daddy wanted everyone to see how much I am in love with the monkey over my changing table

Time for a little bath time with Daddy and Fuzzy.

Is anyone cuter than me?????

We went with the European Fauxhawk.

We took a trip to Austen and Laurie's:

Why does anyone bother with snow?????


Unfortunately Fuzzy and Bubbles had to go home but I cannot wait until I see them again!!!!!


  1. Oh my gosh, Peyton always brings a smile to my face, he is so darn adorable!! He is getting really expressive, you must be seeing some of his personality pop out! Can't wait to see him again!!
