Friday, September 10, 2010

Peyton's heartbeat at home (37 weeks) 9-10-10

This Picture was taken on September 7th and should prove to most that Kat is pregnant.

Whenever Peyton is bad, we plan on telling him that this is the C-section scar that his mommy has to live with because of him.
(It was actually pantyhose from my MBA graduation, sssshhhh....)

Months ago we purchased a device that claimed to be able to help you hear your baby's heartbeat. I was skeptical on it ever working but we are finally able to enjoy it. Our baby boy is finally big enough to be heard.

Today Kat is 37 weeks pregnant so I have included some information about what the baby looks like and how he measures.

The baby is scheduled to be born by c-section on September 27, 2010 (estimated to be 39 weeks and 3 days)


Kathleen's guess 7lbs, 8 0z
Aaron's guess 7 lbs, 9 oz

Please post your guess for Peyton's weight at birth. The winner will receive the benefit of knowing that they were closest to guessing his weight. GOOD LUCK!!!!!