Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Sorry that this took a while to post but the last 36 hours have been a little crazy! As I am at home now, I can hardly wait to get back to the hospital to see our new little guy!

Born Sept. 27, 2010 at 8:29 am
8 lbs. 6 oz., 20 in. long

Daddy with Dr. Handal who delivered Peyton. Thanks for helping make this such a special day and for keeping Peyton and Mommy safe!

Mommy, Daddy, and Peyton just after birth and still in the operating room.

Baby Peyton Luke Diaz-Latham about 10 - 15 min after birth. Awake, alert and ready to take on the world.

Peyton Luke Diaz-Latham's OFFICIAL weigh-in

Baby Peyton only 15 min after birth

Mommy and Peyton reunited after mommy was sewn up and Peyton was checked out in the nursery. It just doesn't get any better than this! (I am actually getting emotional right now while I am typing this out. Words cannot express how much I love these two people!!!!!)

A proud Daddy wondering how he is so lucky.

The FIRST of Daddy's famous "arm" pictures that have up to now only included Mommy and Daddy but will now and forever include our recent addition to the family.

Peyton after his 1st feeding. SUCH A HARD LIFE!

Peyton after his 1st feeding and waiting for his 1st bath

Granny and her new toy.

Abuelo could not be happier!

In the afternoon, Uncle Austen and Aunt Laurie came to the hospital and took pictures. Uncle Austen might not call himself a professional photographer, but I would put his pictures up against anyone who has ever charged money to take photos. WE ARE SO LUCKY THAT HE HAS THIS NEW HOBBY AND WE WILL BENEFIT FOR YEARS!

If anyone is interested in seeing all of the photos, they can be viewed at

Also, if you are interested in hiring Austen for any occasion please let us know and we will put you in touch with him. I did not write anything about the individual photos because they speak for themselves!


  1. SO ADORABLE!!!!! Austen did a fabulous job!! Oh yeah so did mommy and daddy!!!

  2. Oh my gosh! New life is so amazing! He is precious and I just can't wait to meet and love on him! Congrats!!! We are so happy for you all! Great photos by Austen as to be expected!! :o) xoxo Love Love

  3. Daddy! I just got a chance to view to videos you took! I love them. Awesome.

  4. Congrat guys! The pictures are so beautiful, I can't wait to meet Peyton in real life! We are so happy that you have your little man safe and sound. Now, we just got to get him his girlfriend, she's coming in a few more months!!
