Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 22 - June 30, 2011

Our baby boy is growing up so fast!
Here are some videos and pics to update his progress.

I like to help Mommy with the laundry.

Peyton has started to give kisses and
it appears he has plenty to go around

Mommy and Daddy are determined to
teach me how to swim ASAP.

My custom ride

We go to the pool a lot and I LOVE THE WATER!

We now have to baby proof the entire house
or we could be in trouble!

HEY! Where are you going?????

Peyton has learned a new happy dance.


Peyton loves to open and close everything!

I got new beach toys because Daddy needed them for a commercial he was working on.

The commercial is a PSA to raise
awareness for Pancreatic Cancer.

I make a guest appearance with
Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt B.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 14 - 21 Visit from Moy (Peyton's Great-grandmother)

Moy surprised Peyton by coming to Florida.

This woman is amazing!!!!!

Who else can look so good at 91 
and keep up with almost anyone.

Kat and I are so happy that Peyton is surrounded with such wonderful people!


The day after Moy got here,
Gerri, Kiera and her Mom came to the house and watched me
while they went to a taping of the X-FACTOR.

The next day we took a trip to the beach.
It was windy but we had fun!


I have been going to reading time at the same library that Mommy used to go to when she was my age.

(I didn't know that buildings lasted that long!)

We go almost every week and even get Spanish once a month.

We have made friends with Sabrina (maybe my 1st girlfriend) and her Mommy Sandi.

That is Sabrina and her Mommy, Sandi. 

We also got to visit The American Orchid Society
and we became members.

Daddy got some like this for our porch garden.

I like touching the plants better than just looking at them,
but Daddy said to be a good boy.

Daddy has this too.