Monday, January 10, 2011

January 1, 2011 - January 10, 2011

Granny and Gramps entered Peyton in a Holiday photo contest.
Although he did not win, he received an honorable mention
and was featured in The Standard-Examiner newspaper in Utah.
(His picture is the top left.)

This will be the LAST sighting of our webbed friend:

Spiderman has put on a little weight and size and his shirt doesn't fit anymore!
Peyton is now in 6-9 month clothing at 4 months old.

A little fist pumping action:
Working hard!
Time to rest.

Peyton playing with Sophie the Giraffe for the first time.
Peyton is still working on the whole grabbing objects thing.

The BUMBO experience:
Sitting up and talking (making noises) like a big boy.

May I help you?.....What are you looking at?

Ummmm.....little help?

A collection of famous WTF moments:

Tummy Time:
Just wait until I get this crawling thing down.
I am going to destroy EVERYTHING!

Peyton became fascinated with the new hanging monkey that Kat attached to his swing.
He always seems to become fixated on new items/things.
Not complaining, it makes it very easy to distract him during a meltdown.

Just hanging with Mommy.

The Feeding Time experience:
Pre-milk borderline meltdown ritual.
Of course when Daddy decides to take pictures I am an Angel.
(Normally without the cameras it is a much different experience)

This bib would NEVER lie!

Post feeding: Burping and potential projectile zone.

This is one tired boy!
You can always count on the milk to do its magic!

More Tummy Time:

How are we ever going to discipline that face?


Peyton is constantly pulling his own hair and making himself cry while eating.
We were able to capture it and quickly made him feel better.